Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is the solution of extinction of wildlife.?

dna reconstruction

they've already done it with bacteria: they can reconstruct them from DNA in fossils.

so, eventually when the technology has been developed (it will be more like 100 than 1000 years) then it may be possible to recnstruct animals, dinosuars and insects, fishes birds e.t.c. from fossils / remains

however, if you meant how to stop the extinction of wildlife, then I'm not too sure. sorry for wasting your time!What is the solution of extinction of wildlife.?
You can make a wildlife park just for the endangered wildlife, or you can convince the government to make a new law or something...What is the solution of extinction of wildlife.?
forest department must take care of the wildlife and avoid hunting.

wildlife must be given proper food and shelter andallow them to be free around .. and preserve them from dangerous animals ..

sometimes extinction cannot be avoided.... but this will be a prper reason for wildlives to be preserved.

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