Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Deforestation and wildlife extinction?

what is the relationship between deforestation and wildlife extintion.Deforestation and wildlife extinction?
Extinction of organisms can happen in any variety of ways. Deforestation is only one possible way. So extinction is a larger issue then deforestation.

However Deforestation is probably the most surest way to remove all the living creatures from an area. Animals are very attached to were they live by climate and the vegetation that is found there. Remove the bulk of the vegetation and the animals either have to die or move. Remove enough of it so that there is no where for the animals to go (and live) and you will assuredly kill the animals. As long as they have somewhere to go they will not become extinct.

Now some animals have a better time adapting then others. American Robins and Crows can adapt very easily. Other critters like Monarch butterflies or Wood ducks are have some pretty specific needs and will not adapt as easily. So they will become more likely to become extinct then other animals.Deforestation and wildlife extinction?
Deforestation makes animals lose their home. It is harder for some animals to adapt to changes than others. So those that cannot adapt usually become extinct.

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