Hunting is good. Hunting helps keep the balance between wildlife and the habitat that they need to survive. Any imbalance such as too many animals or too little food causes a distortion of the delicate interaction between the two. Hunting, which is usually regulated by agencies or governments, is allowed based on surveys as to the population of certain animals and the available food. Hence, quotas of certain species to be hunted.
';Vegetarian';, is an ancient Indian word for, ';Can't hunt worth a damn!';How hunting is related to the wise use of renewable wildlife resources... boy scout rifle shooting question?
Hunters know more about the enviroment that the so called enviromentalist. And we contribute Billions of dollars annually to support the enviroment. What do they do? Protest and complain? Sounds like another group of people I know of...
Many of our wildlife, especially in my part of the Intermountain West, need to be kept at a manageable level to ensure the health of the species.
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